Nairobi Woman Dumps MP, Runs Away With Watchman


I want to set the record straight here, I never cheated on my husband. I dumped him before moving on with James.

People say I ran way with a watchman but they don’t know this man like I do and he is a hardworking person so soon he will find a good job.

My husband is one of these MPs who make a lot of noise on TV about transforming the country. He has so many ideas in his head but I want to tell you that guy doesn’t believe in what he says. In fact, he Googles everything before appearing on TV. Deep inside he is an empty head with nothing but an urge to bed anything in a skirt.

After elections, my husband stopped coming home. He could go missing for days with lies that he was working on some project. But I could see him on TV.

I was so frustrated that I had to seek help from Dr. Mugwenu a popular herbalist in Kenya. Mugwenu is known for his supernatural abilities which enable him fix almost any problem on the face of the earth.
After talking to Mugwenu, he told me that my husband was having an affair with multiple women. He even told me to go to a certain pub in Kilimani where my husband had impregnated the bar maid.

After finding out the truth, I filed for divorce making sure I got everything from him including our house. I dumped the idiot and moved on with our watchman just to make him feel the pain.

I am taking this opportunity to ask anyone with a similar problem to contact Mugwenu Doctors.

Mugwenu doctors, for instance, say one of their greatest attributes is distance healing. They will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

He heals pressure, diabetes ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things. The doctor also solves life challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, which is winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams. For consultations call: +254740637248 Email:

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