My Marriage was in a Limbo due Oto Barrenness, this is how i solved the Problem


We lived together with my husband John in the outskirts of the city. John was a teacher at a
renown National High School within the city while I was a nurse in a private hospital with
the city too.

We were happily married and many people admired our flashy lifestyle. We owned several
properties within the city and a series of well running businesses. We had two cars and each
person could even drive him/herself to the working station. Every time we had internal
family conflicts, we used to humbly settle them and embrace love.

After 10 years of marriage, John's parents started subjecting me to intense pressure to have
a kid for their son. Unfortunately, I was a barren woman. I couldn't get pregnant however
much John's parents pulled me to the walls. It was now taking us almost 12 years of our
marriage without a child.

I was very depressed and desperate as John's family members started pressurizing him to
either divorce me and marry a fertile Lady or marry a second wife that will bear kids.
Nobody in John's family wanted to see me. I was neglected and abandoned.

In every family event/function that could bring us together, I was sidelined in giving opinion.
Nobody could listen anything that emanates from a barren woman. Nobody wanted to
associate with me, even my close friends were against me.

There was a time my mother-in-law came with another beautiful and good-looking girl in my
house and instructed me to leave the house so that I can give John time together with the
newly brought in woman to engage in intimacy.

That was the most embarrassing moment I ever had in my life. What do you think I ought
to have done to counter such a disgusting situation? I decided to engage in a physical fist
fight with the woman brought into my house as my mother-in-law served me with hot
revolving slaps, fired kicks and flied on my head with blows ordering me to leave the house.
Fortunately, John intervened and stopped the heated fight rescuing me from the wrath of
my mother-in-law and the lady brought in to have sex with my husband so that she can bear
a kid for John.

However, I later got a lifetime solution after a workmate referred to me to a celebrated
herbalist Dr. Mugwenu since she had a similar problem but was completely settled by Dr.

The next day, i drove to Mugwenu Doctor's offices where i was given some liquid herbs to
take for three days. I got pregnant instantly after following the instructions of Mugwenu and
as i speak today, i'm blessed with four kids. I have a solid relationship with my mother-in-
law and other John's family members. Dr. Mugwenu cures other deadly diseases like
Cancer, Syphilis etc For consultations call +254740637248/E-mail or visit

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