ANC Party Leader Musalia Mudavadi Speaks After His Allies Were Accused of Visiting DP Ruto


ANC Party leader Musalia Mudavadi has refuted claims that his allies have been visiting the deputy president at night.

Speaking after attending Sunday Service at St Jude Catholic Church, Huruma in Eldoret, Mudavadi said those are just rumors and don’t carry any water.

“This is nonsense, I have never heard such the person peddling lies does he or she have witnesses or just relying on rumors, those are just lies and should be ignored,” said the ANC party leader.

Mudavadi further called on Kenyans to elect leaders who can be trusted and can stand for the truth no matter what.

“I want to call upon Kenyans that in the forthcoming general elections they should elect leaders who can be trusted, free from corruption, those who will dedicate their time in serving the people of Kenya,” added Mudavadi while speaking to the press.

“Why do you think paraffin and petrol prices keep going up its because the government is desperate and is looking for a quick source of money..We should have a clear roadmap that will save this country from the problems is going through,” he says.

He warned politicians from using incitive words while campaigning but instead should be issue-based.
“I have constantly told Kenyans that I Musalia Mudavadi would like to divert the debate to an issue-based conversation which is not based on rumors. In politics people throw all sorts of words, let us move away from people who just throw words for the sake of throwing words unless verified,” ANC party leader said.

Mudavadi advocated for free and fair elections.

“We want free and fair election where no state institution should be used in any way to try and arm-twist the decision of Kenyans,” said.

MUdavadi wondered why the Ministry of Education has allowed schools management to hire buses to politicians.

“We have seen double standards in this county, Prof Magoha said school buses should not be used for private functions, why are school buses used to ferry people for political purposes, what will happen to incase of an accident will parents of that institution buy another bus, who will be held responsible,” he wondered.

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