Governor Jackson Mandago Hits at Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi After He Rubbished his Senatorial Bid


Uasin Gishu governor Jackson Mandago has hit at Kapseret member of parliament Oscar Sudi for rubbishing his 2022 senatorial bid.

While responding to Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, who has been moving across the county, telling electorates that Mandago should not vie as a senator in the county is public incitement against him.

“I have heard that Kapseret member of parliament Oscar Sudi is moving around rubbishing my senatorial bid this is nonsense since you cannot plan for the people of Uasin Gishu who their leader will be,” said the Uasin Gishu governor.

Mandago has recently declared his interest for the senatorial seat which is currently being held by senator Prof.Margaret Kamar.

He added that his track record speaks volumes as to the first governor of the county. Starting from education, roads, path-walks and he understands devolution and how better the county ones elected as a senator.

“The Country is not going forward because of leaders of his caliber who don’t even speak in parliament thus failing in making a law that could help their electorates. Sudi should concentrate with his Kapseret politics and leave me alone,” he added.

The Kapseret legislator is on record saying he is the one who will determine who else be elected on which position.

“You think if I am elected senator I will sleep like you, under my tenure I have done allot, let me tell you in broad daylight that just the way I defeated you in 2017, I will defeat you watch this space,” he added.


While presiding over the fundraising for churches in Kesses Sub-county, deputy president William Ruto announced that all posts on United Democratic Alliance (UDA) will go for elections and electorates will decide their leaders.

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