Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis Commissions a State of Art Telemedicine Technology and Consultation Clinics


Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis commissioned a state of art Telemedicine Technology and Consultation clinics at the Chemolingot Sub-County Hospital in Tiaty.

The clinic was funded by key Private partner Mpesa Foundation and implemented by Gertrude’s Hospital Foundation.

Speaking during the launch Kiptis said the Telemedicine technology connects the hospital with medical specialists from Gertrude hospital via video link who will diagnose and prescribe medication for the patient.

“If in the opinion of an expert need for more specialized treatment, referrals can be advised.It is expected to benefit over 32,000 patients in the four pilot counties of Samburu, Homabay Baringo, and Lamu who have for the longest time been incurring a lot of cost in pursuance of quick diagnosis and specialized treatment in far-flung areas,” said the Baringo governor.

“I appreciate the critical role played by our Healthcare sector, Medical personnel, and Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in enhancing the health of our populace,” he said.

Kiptis acknowledged the fact that most remote areas are still experiencing poor network coverage. however, he was optimistic since Safaricom Foundation has pledged to expand the network connectivity

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