If the Kalenjin Nation is to remain Strong Politically, then it must ensure that any STRONG KALENJIN Politician, remains Politically relevant. Not through appointment, but elective Leadership.

Truth be told, Gvn Mandago would be stronger as a Senator than would be as an appointed CS in DP’s Government.

It’s also possible for him to vie for Senate and campaign for DP across the RiftValley at the same time.

Mandago as a Senator will not just be about Uasin Gishu. Senate is National. And we will still need him on the National scene.

Mandago has NOT said that no one else should vie for Senate in Uasin Gishu. the Ballot will decide.

And I don’t think moving from Governor to Senate is an issue. Senate as an Institution is bigger than any County.

Further Facts;

Governor Mandago is an astute and brave politician who will not succumb to Pressure or be swayed away In his course to defend the DP and his government.

He will be a fearless Defender of Government’s Agendas both on the floor of the house and Political Arenas.

Mandago will be a Political Mobiliser in the house (Senate) with the ability to rally members to pass Government sponsored bills

He is a Strong-willed and Vocal Politician with the potential to defend William Ruto’s Government on the National Platform.

As a Pioneer and an Experienced Governor who Understands Devolution Affairs, which is Senate’s Prime Role, he will help strengthen Devolution further.

Leadership Vacuum; With time, the Culture of Sending Potential Leaders home after every Political cycle will be harmful to the Community. Especially, as regards Leadership Succession.

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