This Kind of Lady Does Not Love You are you-Benjamin Zulu


Hello Benjamin, Please help me in this issue. I have a lady whom we are supposed to marry next year.

But when we have issues she normally blocks me everywhere so that I can’t access her for about a week or so. I always ignore the blocks to avoid pressure which may otherwise lead me to depression. Am I safe in this relationship or what exactly should I do? I’m 30 she’s 28.

And you’re planning to get into a marriage of that sort? Are u serious man? To love yourself means preparing a peaceful marriage life for yourself.

Nobody who cares about you can disappear on you for days. What if something happened to you during that time and you were hospitalised or facing death? Can she help u when she has shut you out? You need to marry the kind of person who can come to your aid at any moment 24 hours.

Your partner should always be your first responder when you get into any situation. With time the world will fade away leaving you and your partner alone. Your friends and relatives will get busy with their lives. Only you and your partner will be each other’s support. So when she stone walls you for days, who are you with in this world? Don’t just marry a lover.

Marry a friend. And friends never block each other. They care that something bad may happen to each other during that time. Life is fragile. A person who was well yesterday can need urgent help today. Marry someone who understands that.

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