Learning at Moi University College of Health Sciences Will Not Resume- KMPDU official


Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union (KMPDU) now say learning at Moi University College of Health Sciences will continue being paralyzed.
According to KMPDU Northrift chairman Darwin Ambuka the ongoing strike will continue until their dues are paid.

“I want to say without fear of contradiction that the lectures come doctors strike that has been going on will continue until the Moi University Management led by the Vice-chancellor sits with us on a round table and engage with us on the same,” said Dr. Ambuka while speaking to the press.

He said it’s sad that despite the university management getting the funds from the government the funds were were misappropriated.

“We sympathize with our students but we have nothing else to do to bring sanity. We want to assure our lecturers that we shall walk this journey it might take as long as it may take but we will finally bring this to an end,” he added.

“As we are talking the university has offered us nothing rather than
love letters and intimidation which we have filed for posterity where in future we shall remind them this is how they oppressed our members however we have not received an offer so far,” he added/

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union (KMPDU) Secretary-General Dr. Davji Bhimji Atella hit at the Moi University management calling for the removal of the Vice-Chancellor prof Isaac Kosgey with immediate effect.

“As KMPDU officials we are disappointed with how prof Isaac Kosgey is running the institution, it’s sad that our lecturers who are our members have not been paid, this is uncalled for and he should just pack and go,” Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union (KMPDU),” the KMPDU Secretary general said.

Each of the Moi University doctor-lecturers is owed over Ksh1.5 million in unpaid salaries and allowances that cumulatively is about Ksh200 million.

“The Vice-chancellor has failed us and there is no reason for him to continue staying in office yet the lives of our students are in jeopardy, they should pack and go,” said the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union (KMPDU) Secretary-General.

KMPDU is a registered trade union representing doctors in both public and private institutions in the Republic of Kenya.

On 5th December 2016, ALL doctors in public institutions including those working in the universities went on strike to agitate for poor working conditions/remuneration in the public sector. To end the stalemate which took more than 100 days, a Return to Work Formula (RTWF) was signed between the national and county government and the doctors Union (KMPDU).

Following the strike, doctors working in the Ministry of Education where medical schools are domiciled were not paid the clinical allowances, and this occasioned appeal to the Ministry of Education. Subsequently, doctors went on strike twice to demand the payment of those allowances. Those industrial actions were on 1st March 2018 and the other on 17th June 2019.

Moi University management went to court to obtain a court order suspending the latter strike to pave way for conciliation. Despite continuous engagements for over two years, Moi University has remained non-committal to the issues raised by the lecturers and doctors working in the College of Health Sciences (CHS) and the Health Services Department.

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