Transnzoa County Constructing a Twin workshop at Chalicha vocational training center


Trans Nzoia administration is constructing a Twin workshop at Chalicha vocational training center in a move expected to boost enrollment and increase the number of skilled manpower in the county.

The VTC will serve the three villages of Amani,Kikwamet, and Chalicha both in Sikhendu ward.

Speaking during the groundbreaking event, Education Chief officer Susan Ngera said the county is committed to ensuring that the unemployment rate in the county plummets saying the training centers will help youth gain skills for self-employment.

She said more VTC would be constructed in near future to accommodate more courses and increase the number of young people who are seeking technical skills.

So far, Ngera said, More than 31 vocational training centers have been constructed across the county and tutors deployed.

She called on young people in the county to enroll in large numbers revealing that Chalicha VTC, currently, has 32 students taking different courses, 14 of them already for their final examination this year.

While rubbishing claims by those who are against the establishment of the centers, The county director of Education Eliud Lusweti said VTCs are the only solution to the ballooning unemployment in the country saying technical skills will enable youth to establish income-generating activities adding that the only paying and available job opportunities in the country at the moment is on the technical skills.

He said people with technical skills are more employable compared to a person who wants white-collar jobs saying ongoing infrastructure improvement in the country has offered huge potential and opportunity for persons with technical skills.

Area MCA Eric Musumba asked the locals to embrace technical institutions established by the county government saying this will enable parents with little resources to enroll their students within the locality.

Musumba added that through the county bursary fund the VTCs get 30% of the funds saying this has drastically reduced fees being paid by parents.

The ground breaking was attended by Deputy director vacational training Eric Baraza Sikhendu ward administrator Rodgers Wanyonyi, works officer Mr Wakoli among other county staff.

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