Kesses MP Dr Swarup Mishra Disburses Sh 62 Million Projects and Bursaries Funds


Kesses member of parliament Dr Swarup Mishra disburses Sh 62 million Projects and Bursaries.

Speaking to the press during the function Dr Mishra said the amount will be used to fund several infrastructural projects in schools.

“Today we have launched and distributed school projects fund cheques worth Sh 62 million. My aim is to ensure that schools infrastructure is transformed,and we also want to ensure that all bright and needy students access education” said the Kesses legislator.

Dr Mishra called on those who will handle the funds to do it prudently and any embezzlement of funds will not be tolerated.

“I want to ask those who will benefit from the funds to be transparently and should ensure that every single cent is put into good use and anyone who will be found embezzling public fund will face the full force of the law,” added the Kesses legislator.

The Kesses legislator warned school heads and management against misusing development fund and that should account for every cent they have been given.

“I want to urge the school Heads and Management to ensure accountability when spending public or private funds. Any mismanagement of public funds will not be tolerated,” said the Kesses legislator.

He lauded the school heads for their transparency in using public and private funds to improve infrastructure in our learning institututions. The community within also benefited from Hon Mishra’s empowerment programs.

The Kesses legislator also made venues at St. Catherine Kesses, Tulwopng’etuny Ng’etuny Secondary, Tumoge Secondary, Ndungulu Secondary and Finally Moi Chuiyat Secondary.

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