President Uhuru Kenyatta today rubished sceptics who peddle lies that the ODM party leader, the Rt Hon Raila Odinga is a violent leader who cannot be bestowed with leadership position.

Addressing Orange Democratic Movement members during the National Delegates Convention (NDC) at Kasarani Gymnasium, the President said Raila is not a man of war but a peace maker who is suited to take over the mantle of leadership.

” Many people don’t understand peace. They think peace is bought from markets or dug in farms; peace is different to get, the meaning of leadership is strength, courage and peace,” he said, emphasising that Raila wants to unite Kenyans.

He also dismissed those who refer to Raila as his (Uhuru’s) project, noting that the ODM leader is a project of Kenyans.” Raila didn’t ask me anything after the handshake but he only wanted to support my government.”

He added: ” The handshake between Raila and I was meant to forestall violence which entailed winner takes it all. We wanted to change the system of government to be inclusive, and the person behind that push was non other than Raila Odinga.”

” The same sceptics are asserting that the Building Bridges initiative was meant to look for seats. This was geared towards creating positions in the government for unemployed Kenyans and increase disbursement of funds to counties through increased equitable shares,” he said.

Uhuru said they have created a movement (Azimio La Umoja) that will deliver Kenya safely, explaining that Azimio will settle on one candidate among coalition parties that will field a candidate.

Uhuru said since the handshake four years ago what his government has achieved is more than what they achieved since he took over the mantle of leadership in 2013.

Leaders who spoke including
Governors Hassan Joho ( Mombasa), Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega), Nderitu Kariithi (Laikipia), Dr Alfred Mutua (Machakos), Charity Ngilu (Kitui) Ida Odinga, Cotu sectetary General, Francis Atwoli and Peter Kenneth said they will back Raila as Azimio flag bearer, predicting his victory on August 9th, 2022.

Busia Governor, H.E Sospeter Ojaamong was among ODM luminaries who attended the convention that ratified many proposals of the National Governing Council that included halting grassroots and National ODM party elections until 2023 citing challenges occasioned by Coronavirus pandemic.

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