DP Ruto Did Not Make Uhuru Kenyatta President -Nyeri Town MP  Ngunjiri Wambugu


Nyeri town member of parliament Ngunjiri Wambugu now says deputy president William Ruto did not make Uhuru Kenyatta president.

Through his Facebook page Wambugu said Ruto had only one vote.

“Ruto must stop lying to us that he is the one who made Uhuru President. Ruto has only 1 vote. What Ruto was looking for was a job as Deputy President. Which he got. We – the Kenyan voters – made Uhuru Kenyatta President,” said the Nyeri Town MP through his official Facebook page.
Deputy president William Ruto is in record saying he is the one who made Uhuru Kenyatta president.
His post recieved mixed reactions here are some of their comments.
Robert Langat says “Mheshimiwa, you should now be more worried of your seat, that of mp for Nyeri town. Elections are just around the corner. The president will soon be retiring with everything he needs as a retired president. Ruto has since left Jubilee and honestly I don’t see relevance in attacking him,”
Bobby Misik “Gakware do you think ouru will make raila president with one vote??? the moderator controlling this page ni kichwa maji,”
Cheruiyot says “You still restless even if you already formed a “mother of all coalitions “you should be happy,”
Tim Mungai wrote “In fact it’s Uhuru who helped ruto become the Dp and get half the govt. Uhuru with his majority Mt Kenya votes did ruto a favor by giving him half govt despite his few votes. Now Ruto want us to give him whole govt even without at least telling us the share of Mt Kenya in his govt. Lakini wajinga Kenya waliisha,:

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