Moses Kuria Joins One Kenya Alliance


Gatundu South member of parliament Moses Kuria has joined one Kenya Alliance.

Through his official Facebook page he said they agreed to work together as long as they not join Azimio.

He wrote “Today I was hosted by my good friends from the One Kenya Alliance led by H.E Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Hon Martha Karua (NARC-K), Cyrus Jirongo (UDP) and KANU Executive Director George Wainaina representing Sen Gideon Moi. They invited Chama Cha Kazi and myself to join the One Kenya Alliance,” he wrote.

Kuria was a big supporter of TNT deputy president William Samoei Ruto’s presidential bid in the fourthcoming elections.

“Whereas we share many ideals between Chama Cha Kazi and OKA, we agreed to work together as long as OKA is not joining the Azimio Coalition which is incompatible with myself and the Chama Cha Kazi Party. We will hold a follow up meeting on Wednesday 2nd March to agree on the way forward,” he added.

His post recieved mixed reactions here are some of their comments.

Haligan Agade says “If you are not interested inn Azimio why are you tagging a long One Kenya Alliance then? OKA has already decided that they are in Azimio, so wewe ujipange nobody is forcing anyone this time round and the sky will never fall no matter what happens ”

Naomi Jose says “Don’t be afraid Mheshiwa you have to join any party you wish to and the Wanjiku will decide the leader that they need.#letspreadloveandunityamong ourselves.#Ngai Mbere,”

Emmanuel says “We knew it will happen.
Congratulations Kuria for joining the losing Side,”

Paul says “By the way nobody can trust you because you never have a strong stand.You can’t even be elected Kiambu Governor,”

Peter Chibi says “It’s unfortunate that you can’t stand with someone who stood with you years back. You are on UDA’s payroll like Malala. That work to make sure Kalonzo does not support Raila was given to you by Ruto and Sudi while still in Dubai. No sympathy votes to you as you think,”

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