What Should You Do if Your Spouse has a Problem I’m Financial Management -Benjamin Zulu


Hi Benjamin.
This is my 10th year in marriage and blessed with a 7 yr old boy. I got engaged to my hubby when he was jobless and I supported him throughout til he got a job and we got married. He has a weakness in financial management which i have overlooked for the years we have been together and covered his financial messes which has led me to heavy debts. ( What? Debts? Is that how badly you wanted this thing?)

We have had our talks on it and he keeps promising to change but does not keep his word. Now last year i decided to break the silence and called for a meeting with parents from both sides. He did not take the action kindly and has not talked to me ever since(forgot to say we are in long distance marriage since 2013).

I have faced emotional abuse from him for long and now i feel like am at the end of this marriage. I cannot fight anymore. Kindly advice. ( I advise on what? What options do you have? You’ve been babysitting a grown up for what gain? And just like that your life is passing by as you try to rehabilitate someone who is not your son? Women!)

For all of us, this is the kind of bullshit people take when they’re addicted to the idea of being in marriage just for the sake of it. Do this for yourself and spare yourself the nonsense people are subjecting themselves to in the name of marriage. Decide that you will do marriage for only two reasons: companionship and love.
Simple. Not for children or society or image or rehabilitating dysfunctional people. Marriage is not compulsory and those who lack the capacity for it should stay out of it. The essence of marriage is to partner through everything and to spend your days as friends. Anything else is nonsense.

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