Mandago Reveals What Will Be Done to Those Branding Uasin Gishu As Hotspot


Uasin Gishu governor Jackson Mandago has revealed what will be done to those who who brand Uasin Gishu as hot spot.

Speaking to the press Mandago said such people will be arrested and prosecuted.

“I want give a stern warning to those branding Uasin Gishu as hot-spot, I will not allow people to tarnish the good name of the County as we head to the general elections. I will arrest and prosecute such people,” said the Uasin Gishu governor.

Uasin Gishu was badly hit by the 2007 post election violence which led o thousands being displaced which hundreds lost their lives.

“We have been on course preaching peace and we will not allow anyone whatsoever to tarnish our county, we have vowed that we will conduct our elections peacefully and no one whatsoever will cause violence before, during and after the general elections,” added the Uasin Gishu governor.

Mandago further assured residents of their security in the forthcoming general eections.

“There should not be any cause of alarm , we have put in place measures to ensure that we have peace, no one whatsoever should carry his or her belonging going home, let us stay and vote here,’ he added.

The Uasin Gishu governor urged those vying for different elective seats to campaign peacefully and avoid dividing Kenyans basing on their political or tribal affiliations.

“As we campaign I urge aspirants to campaign peacefully by selling their manifestos and not dividing Kenyans basing on their tribal affiliations, anyone who will be found doing contrary will face the full force of thee law,” said Mandago

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