Grace International Group Awards Kapsabet Boys Johnson Musungu with an international scholarship


Grace International Group has awarded Kapsabet Boys Johnson Musungu with an international scholarship after winning the National Mathematics contest.

The contest brought together over 200 schools across the Country with over 3,000 competitors participating on the same.

Johnson Musungu said he won the contest through hard work practice and determination.

“I am very happy to get the two scholarships to study abroad in the 2023 academic year courtesy of Grace International Educational and Counseling Group and Strathmore University. I didn’t believe I could emerge as the winner because the competition was tough but I believed in myself and succeed. Whatever you want to do believe in yourself. ,” he said.

Kapsabet Boys Chief Principal Kipchumba Maiyo thanked Grace International Group for sponsoring the event.
“The main reason for conducting this contest is to promote math in our school. We want to spread the culture of math we want to demystify that maths can be done and students pass. In Kapsabet boys Maths always remains our booster,” said the chief principal.

He says one can perform well in mathematics through regular practice.
The event was held at Kapsabet Boys High School.
“How Math’s is done is that you simply need to practice and that practice where you begin from form one where you are introduced to many exercises and by the time you reach to form four that fear math’s could have been demystified,” he said.

Speaking to the press the Grace International Group Regional Director Abednego Paul said the Australian academic scholarship is worth Sh3 million.

“We are giving the winner Johnson Musungu a sponsorship to study in Australia free of charge at a University of his choice free of charge. He will study a technological course from Diploma to   advanced Diploma then Bachelor Degree in  information technology then he can specialize in cyber security or  telecommunication at Ridge International Colege. We will continue partnering with Kapsabet boys High School in this event for the entire study period for us to nurture more students,” he said.

“We are ready to sponsor so much as much as education functions aren’t concerned in various institutions in Kenya when it comes to awarding the scholarship,” he added.

Kipchumba Korir Ezekiel the coordinator of Kapsabet National Mathematics contest, this is the he says most students have attitude to mathematics that being the reason behind organizing the contest.

“We also want to demystify the notion that mathematics is a challenge. We ensure  that  students share experiences  from different schools, students are motivated   by different mentors, and the best student given an award,” he said.

He say going forward the school will expand the contest  by ensuring that most of the schools across the country participate.

“Message to those students who have negative attitude to Mathematics is that attitude is very important in Maths without good attitude you may not do much, mathematics is about starting step by step from the simple concepts to complex ones,” he advised.



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