Moi’s Bridge Ward MCA Bishop Patrick Kimeli Message to His Electorates


Moi’s Bridge Ward MCA Bishop Patrick Kimeli has thanked residents for electing him as their MCA in the just concluded general election.

Bishop Kimeli who vied on an independent party ticket defeated the incumbent who vied on a UDA party ticket.

“God is Faithful it was not easy to be where I am Today. It all started with God and you. Whenever I look at this it makes me pray more that God may expand our resources so that each and everyone get what he or she deserves,” said the Moisbridge Ward MCA.

“I welcome all stakeholders, friends from within and outside that keys make Mois Bridge Great you have found a Leader that will be guided by God . Let’s make sure that we are one ..No one will die of Hunger, let’s Love one another,” he added.

He says he will make sure that there is 100 percent representation where public participation will be strengthened.

” I will serve you, let walk the journey, I will engage in honest, open communication where all team members will be involved, I will keep a positive attitude, I will Give direct feedback about performance,” he said.
Bishop Kimeli says he is ready to put Mois Bridge first, Empower residents, and help them develop their full personal capacities.

“My office will be enough for all. Bring in food for those who have more than enough, Bring in Clothes so that we can clothe others. Let’s work together and make Moi’s Bridge a place to belong,” he added.

They called on Kenyans to remain calm as they await the Supreme Court ruling on the disputed presidential elections

“Let’s Pray for our Nation that Peace will be during and after the petitions that are in Court. God has all that concerns us. Maintain Peace, Love, and Unity . God bless you for the sacrifices you gave to Bring us this far,” he said.

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