Are You Having Problems With Mathematics, here are secrets to performing well


By Mr Kipchumba Korir Ezekiel
Have you asked yourself why many students perform poorly in mathematics? Mr. Ezekiel an author and teacher of Mathematics at Kapsabet Boys explains why,

He says Mathematics is the game of the mind and that many students do poorly in Mathematics because of a poor attitude.

A number of students too improve once they discover the secrets of doing well in the subject.

For a student to perform well in Mathematics he or she must

Learners are encouraged to do at least 10 sums every day. They begin with the simplest as they advance to more complex sums. In so doing their self-confidence will be improved over time.

Many students believe that Maths is a difficult subject. This perception makes them not do daily practice. Unfortunately the more they fail to practice the lower their marks will be. Consistent talk and encouragement to them will enable them to change their attitude.

Appreciate effort learners be appreciated for any small improvement they show in their marks. This will build their morale and make the work extra harder.


A number of questions in Maths will require the learners to present their answers to some given level of accuracy such as 2 decimal places, 4 significant figures, and so on.

Learners are encouraged to follow instructions written at the top of the paper. They are required to choose 5 questions in the section of the paper. If they do excess of this then the first 5 questions attempted by the learners in section 2 of the paper are the ones considered for awarding of marks. They are therefore encouraged to cross what they don’t intend to be marked for.
Learners should also pay attention to the form in which their answers should be presented e.g as decimals, fractions, percentages, in given units like meters, kilograms, and so on. Questions on equations may need a learner to present his answer in a given form like double intercept form, y= mx+c, and so on.


Mathematics is one subject that requires a student to show good skill of time management. A student should use well their time during practice and during an exam. They are encouraged to begin solving problems that they understand well first before attempting the more complex ones.


Learners should take their time researching given topics. They should also learn some topics ahead of the teacher.

Regular practice in maths will improve learners’ ability to solve more maths problems within a shorter time. That is a very important skill in Mathematics. One can only improve his speed through consistent practice. Learners should dedicate their time to doing mathematics.

In sacrifice just like in sports, one can only excel in. Maths through making enormous sacrifices. It involves doing some questions repeatedly until one perfects a given concept in the topic. Consistency in doing mathematics will improve performance by a great deal.

Good learners will consult their peers and their teachers on how to tackle given problems in maths. This approach will enable them to learn what they may not know about various topics.


learners should have time to discuss given questions or topics in maths. When they learn by themselves and in small groups, they understand much better than when they learn individually. Learners should form discussion groups of not more than 5 students.

Doing of assignment
Learners should be given the assignment to do on daily basis. Prompt feedback on the assignment will enable them to know how they are fairing.

Topical revision- At the end of an academic year/ term, learners can go through questions topically. This will enable them to perfect concepts of particular topics.

Believe in God
Learners should recognize the supreme being who gives knowledge, good health, and skills to everyone. Those who trust God tend to have confidence, are less fearful, and tend to do well. The discipline that religion requires of a person is the same discipline that the subject requires to do well.

Mr. Kipchumba Korir Ezekiel is currently the Mathematics and computer studies teacher at Kapsabet boys High School one of the best National schools that produced the best students in this year’s KCSE.

He has worked in the following schools: Mirema school-Nairobi, Loreto High school- Kiambu, Moi Siongiroi Girls- Bomet, Kapsabet Boys High school.

He has also engaged in the following tasks which include Form principal – Form 2 Kapsabet High school, Deputy HOD Guidance and counseling, SMASSE Trainer of Trainers in Mathematics, Coordinator – Kapsabet National Mathematics Contest, Director Globalink Student Mentorship program, Youth Patron- Nandi Hills Deanery that entails 12 parishes of the Catholic church among others.

Other engagements include: Motivational Speaking, Author of the book Success Secrets Revealed, Produced the country’s top mean score in Mathematics 11.44 out of the possible mean of 12, A trained KNEC examiner in Paper Mathematics, A volunteer partner with Grace International an organization that assists learners to find get study opportunities abroad.

You can contact him on 0726 393 728

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2 thoughts on “Are You Having Problems With Mathematics, here are secrets to performing well

  1. Abigael Jelimo says:

    Keep it up the good job tall man….God will reward you for your tireless efforts in moulding the new generation.

  2. Ngige David says:

    Every new day gives students a chance to do 10sum ,that’s what Mr Ezekiel told me when I was in my teaching practice at Kapsabet Boys .Their 2021 kcse math mean surprised me, 11.4 for a class of 461 students isn’t a joke .I have been their and I saw their 2022 year target .Mr Ezekiel told me that this time round ni “KUKAMILISHA 12.0

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