Inadequate space, lack of equipment and budgetary constraints dominated a list of concerns raised by staff on day two of departmental assessment tour by Busia Governor, H.E Dr Paul Nyongesa Otuoma on Thursday.
During the busy afternoon, the governor made impromptu visits at the department of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, the County Public Service Board offices at Port Victoria Plaza before winding his tour at the Infrastructure and Energy department located at Works.

At the Lands docket, Chief Officer for Lands and Housing, Teresia Mbingi updated Dr Otuoma on key departmental projects the department was undertaking, the ongoing construction of Malaba trailer park construction in Teso North Sub County and also the bottlenecks affecting the implementation of the affordable housing scheme.

On matters Solid Waste Management Chief Officer for Urban Development, Andrew Otiti said the department’s efficient delivery of services has been hampered by lack of enough machinery to collect waste and also lack of enough dumpsites.

“Our proposal is to have a government dumpsite in all the seven Sub Counties for easier management of waste. At the moment we only depend on Alupe dumpsite which is already overwhelmed,” he said.

At the Infrastructure department, the county boss later extensively engaged the building inspectors challenging them to come up with standardised design for county buildings especially Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) classrooms that address the needs of end-users.

“I can see most of you are very young and thus must be face of innovative ideas. I expect you to come up with designs that are holistic and address needs that may arise,” said the governor.
He regretted that some officers were working under harsh conditions that affect efficient service delivery to residents of Busia.

His remark was in reference to the office of County Architect that is in deplorable state.
“I noted your concerns and will work with relevant departments to ensure we address these challenges as soon as possible. We cant achieve much if we do not deal with the bottleneck abound,”
Governor’s Press Unit Busia County.

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