KEMSA Delivers Drugs to Elgeyo Marakwet Sub County hospitals


The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority delivered third batch of medical supplies to our Sub County hospitals across the County.
Chebiemit, Kaptarakwa, Kamwosor, Chesoi, Chepkorio and Tambach Hospitals received their consignments today. The programme which will resume on Monday will ensure that health centres and the dispensaries will be stocked next week.

Governor Wisley Rotich has assured residents that he will ensure a consistent supply of the drugs. “I will ensure that the hospitals continue receiving drugs regularly. I am in talks with Kemsa to ensure that the continued supply of drugs to our hospitals is maintained”.

Residents across the County commended the Governor’s efforts saying they had resorted to attending private clinics since most of the health facilities had run out of drugs.

“I am happy to report that today I have been attended by doctors and given drugs. This is my second time coming to this hospitals. Last month,I was asked to buy drugs in the pharmacy.

Today, they have drugs. I am happy. I thank Governor Rotich for the efforts,” said Gideon Kipngetich, a patient at Chebiemit Sub County Hospital.

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