I will Ensure Raila Odinga Gets Less Than Ten Incase of a Rerun-Tiaty MP Elect William Kamket


Tiaty member of parliament William Kamket now says he will ensure opposition leader and Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga gets less than 10 votes in his constituency.

This comes a few day after he ditched Raila Odinga and joined deputy president and president elect William Ruto’s camp.

Kamket wrote “I gave Raila 78% of Tiaty votes, in case of a rerun; I will ensure he gets less 10 votes, in entire Tiaty,”

Opposition leader Raila Odinga is in Supreme Court where he has disputed the just concluded presidential elections .

The supreme court is expected to deliver its ruling on Monday morning.

Kamket who was elected on a KANU party was a big critique of the deputy president William Samoei Ruto’s presidential bid terming him as corrupt and cannot be trusted with the Country’s leadership.
His post received mixed reactions here are some of their comments.

Seton Kimosop says “We don’t care about how you give votes. Our priority is for peace and tranquillity, in Baringo, and the entire country,”

Jackson Tarus “I feel sorry for you that you are praying for a rerun it is my humble duty to inform that is no rerun and if there will be one then we will not need your votes after all Ruto won without those of yours kindly keep them because Raila Amolo Odinga might need them in future,”

Erick Robinson Githae “Welcome home Hon Kamketi,the old man doesn’t want a re-run for he knows he will get less than 40% of the total votes cas,”

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