Is it True That if you Surround Yourself With Millionaires You Become a Millionaire-Benjamin Zulu Answers


People keep saying that if you surround yourself with 5 millionaires you’ll be the sixth, but if the millionaires are also living by the same principle, why will they keep you around them when you’re not one like them? If they’re talking high business and the deals they’re working on, what will make you relevant in such conversations? In all likelihood you’ll never know when they meet and what they discuss even if it’s people who know you personally, because they can’t disclose such confidential information to just anyone.

The truth is that great people can sometimes invite you to visit their circles but it’s too rare to build you up since you cannot plug in at once. You don’t have the money or the know how yet.

And since they are, of necessity, busy people, the little time they have to spare is taken up by self care and family life.

You cannot contact greatness by direct association. You get it by learning and growing. It’s an aggressive effort and stretch, not a comfortable sit down around some wealthy friends. You read what the millionaires are writing and adapt their ways of thinking. You gobble up any materials they publish.

You listen and re-listen their biographies to pick wisdom and inspiration. You transform your mind to think like them.

And then you grow into that realm and your money corresponds. Then, and only then, can you enjoy regular leisure with your colleague ‘five millionaires.’

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