UDA Nominated MP Joseph Wainaina Presides Over Graduation Ceremony of the Reformed Alcohol Addicts


The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) nominated Member of Parliament Joseph Wainaina presided over the graduation ceremony of the reformed alcohol and substance addicts at Jireh Faith-Based Rehabilitation Center.

Speaking to the press Wainaina said he will table a motion to parliament which shall lead to the setting up and funding of more rehabilitation centers by the government.

“The cases of alcohol and substance abuse are alarming adding up to nearly one million youth and therefore we need to put up more rehabilitation centers to help those affected by alcoholism and substance abuse, ” said Wainaina.

Peter Mwangi one of the graduands who has completely reformed commended religious leaders at the center for the impact the rehabilitation center has had on his life.

“I was addicted to alcohol unknowingly and was unable to quit, it worsened my health and my relations with my family to an extent of inability to deliver my duties. I, therefore, thank Rev.Maina Njagi for his efforts to transform my life at the rehabilitation center, ” said Mwangi.

Bishop Elijah Gatene decried the high consumption of illegal brew in the sub county with law enforcers being reluctant to arrest illegal brewers.

“To curb the high cost of rehabilitating our children, we need to focus on the brewing of illegal alcohol and condemn police officers who take bribes from the brewers to allow for the illicit trade.I am calling upon the government and the community to come together to curb this, ” said Gatene.

The center manager Rev. Maina Njagi said that the facility is inadequate to cater to a large number of alcohol and substance addicts, therefore he requested the government to help improve the facility.

“We need to put up facilities that shall accommodate more people , therefore we request the government to assist us to put them up and acquire food, drugs and clothes enough for them, ” said Njagi

According to The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse`s 2017th survey, Nairobi is leading in the prevalence of usage of alcohol by 17.5% followed by Eastern by 14.3% and Western by 13.4% in Kenya.

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