Watch Your Words- Abubakar Bini to National and County Government Officials


North Rift Council of Imams and Muslim Preachers of Kenya chairman Sheikh Abubakar Bini has called on the new government both National and County to watch out for their language and not use the foul language since the campaigns are over.

Speaking to the press Bini said this will divide Kenyans further and those who did not win will feel not part of the government.

“I want to plead with the new government in place, by this I mean the incoming government from the national government to the county governments all the way to the MCAs. The kind of language being used by those in power towards their predecessors is not good. We should use constructive language because if the campaigns were over why should we continue with the blame games?” said the North Rift Council of Imams and Muslim Preachers of Kenya chairman.

Citing witch hunts and other forms of harassment being witnessed across the country, Bini has asked for respect among the political class to ensure peaceful coexistence and harmony in the country.

“All is left is for us to unite and take the country forward. Blame games won’t build this country but bring hatred. Leadership keeps changing hands, today it is with me, and tomorrow it is another hand. If we build this country with respect and harmony, good projects will continue and those with claims let EACC come do the investigations without victimization and blame games.” Noted Bini.

The remarks come after various statements have been made across the country since the conclusion of the august general elections.

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