I Will Ensure Every Household is Connected With Water- Governor Jonathan Bii


Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii has promised to ensure that every household is connected with water if elected come August.

He says Water is a fundamental factor in the sustainable development process and is critical for socio-economic development and promotion of healthy ecosystems.

“My government is working towards the aforementioned requirement and to start off, I today paid a visit to Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (ELDOWAS) in Eldoret to assess on the water volumes, capacity and get a report on how the citizens will get a constant supply of the precious commodity for safe drinking which is part of the city status quest,” said the Uasin Gishu second gopvernor.

He commended the management and staff of Eldowas led by the Managing Director Mr. Peter Biwott for their elaborate plan of water provision to the residents of Uasin Gishu County.

Bii later toured Chebara dam, Kipkaren river treatment plant and Kipkenyo solid waste management area. IZZZZZZZZ Eldowas to engage the locals at Kipkenyo and establish a health unit as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

“Provision of clean water to the residents is part of my 7th agenda in the Nguzo Kumi blue print, and to propel this initiative, I will allocate money to support projects across the County,” he added.

The other two water units at Chebara and Kipkarren will oversee a rapid increase of the desired volumes from current demand of 60% to 90%, thus sustaining our County to the year 2040 and beyond.

Two Rivers dam in Kipkorgot, Ellegrin dam in Strawback, Kerita dam in Kesses are among the few that the County Department of water has identified as among water bodies that will be prioritized for treatment and supply.

“I call on citizens to promote advocate for massive tree planting exercise across all the wards as one way of Increasing the forest cover and safeguard our water bodies,” he said.

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