Marama Central Ward MCA Philip Maina Elected Kakamega Majority Leader


Members of Kakamega County Assembly has unanimously elected Philip Maina as the Leader of Majority during the House polls conducted on the start of a five day induction workshop in Mombasa County which was officially opened by the Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa.

The MCAs also elected West Kabras MCA Hon. David Ndakwa to lead the Minority wing of the Assembly. Additionally, the Majority side elected Hon. Gladys Omukongolo as Chief Whip, Hon. Elphas Shilosio as Member of the County Assembly Service Board and Hon. Brian Mafunga as the Chairperson Roads Committee.

In his congratulatory message to the new House Leadership after unveiling them at the workshop, Governor Barasa asked MCAs to proceed and elect representatives of the remaining offices and committees of the Assembly with keen consideration on regional balance.

The Governor challenged the Assembly to ensure their constitutional roles of Oversight, Legislation and Representation are not compromised so as to guarantee proper service delivery and development to the residents of Kakamega County equitably in line with his “Maendeleo na Usawa,” mantra.

“The previous Assembly was ranked position 46 out of 47 nationally as the County’s Executive emerged top in the country. The performance of our Assembly has to improve upto among the top 5,” he challenged the MCAs.

The County boss also cautioned Members of the Third Assembly and staff against conflict of interest during procurement of goods and services at the Legislative House regretting that the Assembly’s standing rent arrears have accrued to a tune of Ksh 19 Million. He asked the Honourable Members to ensure proper financial management including strengthening internal controls.

Governor Barasa further urged the MCAs to put aside their political differences saying he is committed to ensuring better welfare for the Members. He called for a harmonious working relationship between the Assembly and the Executive to make sure the promise of Ksh 20 Million Ward Development Fund for all the 60 wards as captured in his manifesto for the people of Kakamega County is effected this Financial Year.

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