When the First Physical Date Should Start


Nowadays the first physical date comes after some period of virtual communication and getting to know each other through the phone.

A degree of attraction and curiosity will have developed towards this person by this point, and that’s why you agree to set up a meeting.

But this meeting is usually very determinant, a decisive evaluation of their personal presence. Only ignorant people and those who are children at life will have agreed to be in a love relationship before meeting physically. Physical meeting filters out all those ‘effects’ contained in virtual communication and it presents the person in flesh and blood.

You get to feel their smell, watch their composure and mannerisms, as well as their body language about the whole interaction. All these are critical clues which are not well captured on video calls and chats.

But many people will interpret your agreeing to meet them to mean that you’ve agreed to be in a relationship with them. So immediately after the meeting they start acting entitled. The moment you see this just drop them off.

After the meeting everyone takes the time to reflect and add everything together to arrive at a conclusion. Sometimes you need to interact more before you can make up your mind, sometimes you’ll have decided even during the meeting whether you’re in or out.

In either way, avoid asking for ‘review’ or ‘feedback’ after the meeting. It’s enough to exchange a ‘it was pleasure meeting you’ without any further details.

In any case, their energy will tell you all you need to know. If they begin to disappear, don’t complain. If they’re talking regularly and open to meeting you more times, flow with it. That is, if you feel the same way.

But never allow any possessive behaviour just because you met someone. That’s a sign of possessiveness and insecurities.

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