Kenyans React After Former Nyeri MP Ngunjiri Wambugu Posted This About UDA Party


Kenyans have reacted after former Nyeri town member of parliament Ngunjiri Wambugu posted this about UDA party.

Through his official Facebook page “The UDA administration claims to have won over the hearts of ordinary Kenyans because of the ‘madharua and matusi’ they received from ‘us’. I hope they will not themselves, repeat ‘our’ mistakes,”

Wambugu is a staunch supporter of the former president Uhuru Kenyatta.

He is a bid critique of president William Ruto’s administration.

His post recieved mixed reactions here are some of their comments.

Vinny Vinicent says “Naona wana Azimio wameanza kumea plastic horns, tulia mpangweeee. Kelelee mgepiga ile day ya campaign hamkuwezana,”

Pius Edwards says “The ball is now on their cot. At the fence, a spectator believes he can play well than Ronaldo. He thinks he can coach better than Zinadine Zidane. But given that chance, he can’t even touch the ball unless by set pieces. UDA will soon realize Uhuru Kenyatta was wise and meant well for the country. It wasn’t for instance his wish that prices of fuel and unga were high,”

Erick says “Malipo pa-pa hapa. Msidhani wamesahau. I’m waiting Babu owino to call Ruto mtoto wa …….,”

Geoffrey Kemei says “We understand your pains , but sorry sir , ua lose for the seat is not our pain neither is it our concern. Tulia uone serikali ikipangwa moss moss,”

Njoroge Kasana says “You did what you did that’s all….You need them to be tolerance for your mistake.You supported matharau so as you can benefit by demeaning the D.P office by pleasing your master..So let them be,”

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