A Family in Kilibwoni Village in Nandi Condemn Nandi Central Police Boss For Ignoring their Arson Case


An agonizing family in Kilibwoni village Nandi Central has condemned the Nandi Central Police Dorice Chemos for overlooking their predicament after a series of arson attacks alleged to have been organized by a jilted son-in-law turned lawbreaker after his marriage to their daughter went sour.

According to Mr. Wilson Sing’oei the father to Gladys Chemurgor , their son-in-law, an American soldier, has been tormenting the family using paid goons from Kilibwoni village to force a reunion with their daughter who broke up with the soldier 2 years ago due to a case of domestic violence that was reported to law
enforcement officers in the USA.

“ We married off our daughter to Alex and they relocated to the USA, they were both blessed with a son, however, we were reliably informed that they regularly engaged in domestic quarrels that led to domestic violence, and that forced our daughter
to seek a divorce,” said Mr. Singo’ei,

Felistus Singo’ei, the wife to Wilson Sing’oei, says they have evidence of Alex speaking on phone taking responsibility for the damage amounting to the burning of their car, store, and recent stoning of windows at night.

“We have lost property worth Sh 4 million in-kind besides mental torture for over 2 years now,” reiterated Felistus, lamenting the negligence of the security forces who have claimed a lack of evidence to act.
Human rights activist Mr. Kimutai Kirui faulted the police for pushing for arbitration instead of commencing criminal investigations in liason with the US Embassy to bring the culprits to book.

“We appeal to the US embassy and the DCI to investigate and determine how the goons are operating, how money is transferred, and to who to fund the crimes,” said Kimutai.

Mr. Sing’oei’s family has called on the government to intervene and take action against their former son-in-law if not they will take the laws into their hands.

They are now living in fear not knowing what to do even going out at night is hard since they don’t know what might happen.

“We are living in fear as a family not knowing what might happen, we are calling on the police to take action before we take laws into our hands,” added Sing’oei.

They called for the transfer of the OCS Samwel Mukena with immediate effect since he is bringing more harm to residents than good.

OCPD Nandi Central Dorice Chemoss said DCI is investigating the matter and soon will bring those involved to book.

“I want to assure the family of Singo’ei that justice will prevail, DCI officers are investigating the matter actions will be taken against those people involved in the act,” said Chemoss.

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