What You Didn’t Know About Maggy’s Kienyeji limited


“My name is Elizabeth Kiprono CEO of Maggie’s kienyeji limited. Today we appreciate Jubilant Stewards Africa for having us on board. We are grateful that are able to tell the world what we do.

In brief, Maggie’s kienyeji does drying and packaging of indigenous vegetables, the idea actually is to empower women especially widows and young mothers from the villages who are able to do so much with limited resources.

So we are here to bridge the gap between the farmers in the village those are the women and the market. So apart from that there’s so much during harvesting time or during rainy season we are able to get excess which goes to waste.

So as Maggie’s instead of getting the waste we are able to take that excess, keep it and then later release to the market so that we are able to stabilise the market.

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