Devil Worshipper Chronicles: How Our Mum Rescued Us From Being Sacrificed For Riches By Our Greedy Father Who Joined Freemason Willingly In Kibera


My name is Kevin Rubia, a 20-year-old student at Zetech College in Nairobi. If it weren’t for my mother’s quick-witted nature, me and my two younger siblings would be long gone by now. My father succumbed to the pressure of living in the City and decided to choose his own happiness. He secretly joined Freemason in December. One of his drinking buddies, who is also a member convinced him to join and reap the rewards of living like a King.

Without much consideration to what he was signing up for, he joined and proceeded to buy a ring with the Freemason emblem on it. Less than two weeks later, he started talking of going to the BurjKhalifa in Dubai!! We didn’t know how he was going to afford it and honestly we didn’t care, sometimes he gets paranoid. Apparently, I and my siblings would pave the way for his wicked plans.

His conscious betrayed him as days before the date of our sacrifice, he started to have nightmares. My mother heard him one night talking to himself in his sleep. The moment she heard him say “Hail Freemason, Hail Lucifer” in his sleep, she knew something was amiss. In all the years they have been together, her husband has never bowed to the might of the Lord of Darkness. As a result, she decided to take precautionary measures to safeguard our safety.

The name KAZIMOTO DOCTORS came highly recommended by one of her chama friends. She quickly pounced and obtained his powerful Protection spells. That was also the point when his membership was revoked!! Turns out, he was considered a threat, as they told him that now that he couldn’t make any juicy sacrifices, he was no longer valuable. He confessed to everything last week at supper. We huddled together as a family and thanked Kazimoto doctors for keeping me, Sophia and Nimrod safe.

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