Senators Join the Executive to Ensure Law Enforcement For Tea Farmers to Reap Maximum Profits


The Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, led by Kirinyaga Senator James Kamau Murango MP, joined the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya, His Excellency Honorable Rigathi Gachagua who chaired the two-day Tea Reforms Conference at the Kericho Golf Club, Kericho County.

The Conference aims at providing a platform for tea farmers to address the challenges plaguing the sector and brainstorm on possible solutions and, gives the small-scale farmers an opportunity to engage with the stakeholders including the top government leaders, Members of Parliament who are the lawmakers to gain a better understanding of the tea sector.

Senators participating in the Summit are; Deputy Speaker Sen. Kathuri Murungi, MP, Majority Leader Sen. Aaron Cheruiyot, MP, Deputy Majority Leader Sen. Tabitha Karanja, MP, Embu Sen. Alexander Mundingi. MP, Bungoma Sen. David Wakoli, MP, Nyeri County Sen. Wahome Wamatinga, MP, Trans Nzoia County Sen. Allan Chesang, MP, Bomet County Sen. Wakili Hillary Sigei, MP, Murang’a County Sen. Joe Nyutu, MP and Members of the National Assembly.

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