Wonders Shall Never End; Bungoma Man Caught Raping A Cow After Allegedly Stealing Maize


Stealing is never an advisable move no matter how hard your situation may turn out to be? No financial crisis justifies stealing from your neighbor or from anyone since it’s totally wrong. That thing you steal is a fruit of hard work or sometimes sacrifice that someone had to deny himself or herself something in order to acquire it. But the youth nowadays are very lazy and prefer shortcuts thus embracing theft since it reaps fruits instantly not knowing that all that comes with a price that is always costly.

Yesterday in our village a teen aged 24 years by the name Bogere was caught having it with a cow something that left many people shocked since he had two wives who were very beautiful. He was a man who loved ladies and having an intercourse with a cow created many questions among the people were at the scene witnessing the abomination. According to some Neighbors who knew his habit of stealing anticipated that he had took someone’s thing illegally that led to a spells casted on him in order for him to pay and learn his lesson.

Bogere had stormed into his neighbors farm and stolen maize a fact that left the owner of the farm so angry and he had to seek for the services of KAZIMOTO DOCTORS who helped him in casting a spell that would help identify the thief and the spells worked and Bogere was caught having it with a cow while confessing of stealing the maize. He was required to pay a hefty fine of ksh 90,000 for DrKazimoto to reverse his powerful spells which he did successfully and Bogere learnt a lesson and all the villager were quick to ask for DrKazimoto’s contact which was +254741930918.

For consultations and examinations, KAZIMOTO DOCTORS can be reached through the number +254741930918.The doctors handles general problems that ranges from solving hardship in business, solving family problems, love issues, winning court cases, winning lottery games ,promotion at work, protection of family properties as well as foretelling of one’s future. Reach out to KAZIMOTO DOCTORS to help heal diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weaknesses and any other ailments. The mighty herbalist also helps in winning lottery games, increases your luck in life and also helps in casting away evil spirits and bad dreams. You can contact him through his line +254741930918 and have all your problem solved.

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