Eldoret City Marathon to Do Sports Tourism


Eldoret City Marathon founders now say Kenya should do sports tourism and climate action because of their shining habits in athletics and being known in the big five animal tourism

Speaking while kicking off the marathon preparations which are expected for October 2023 director Moses Tanui says Kenya should win more resources from the world by making athletics a tourist activity.

‘We are known for athletics and the big five and that makes me see the importance of doing sports tourism which will make our Country to be known even further,” said Tanui

Tanui called upon Kenyans to preserve forests, plant trees, and water catchments to help athletes find a good environment to train so that the best can be produced out of them.

‘We have to plant trees and conserve the water catchment areas for better training facilities for our athletes. This will help to mitigate climate change,” said Tanui.

However, the director said as Eldoret city founders are ready to nurture talents in collaboration with gulf royal to bring out the best for the community and the Country at large.

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