Why Students and Parents of Finland and Canada Scandal Called Off Their Demonstration


Parents and students of Finland and Canada scandal
have called off their demonstration.

This thye say is in respect of President William Ruto who was gracing the Devolution conference.

“We have a lot of respect for our son William Samoe Ruto and we hereby call off the protest that was meant for today and we will communicate in due time what next”, said Kosgei

The parents said being loyal and patriotic citizens they will allow the devolution conference to run in peace through the 3 days

“We are loyal citizens and we know visitors are coming to our county we will preach peace through the devolution conference,” added David.
They called on President Ruto to consider their appeal for Uasin Gishu County leaders to give back their money for they have suffered psychologically and materially or be given an appointment to the state house to talk matters out with the president

However, Kimutai Kirui Human Right Activist based in Eldoret said the parents should be refunded their money as per the written agreement before Monday if the county leaders don’t meet they will be back to the streets of Eldoret

“We are giving them time up to Monday to pay back the parents their money or else we will be back with the demonstration”, said Kimutai.

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