Kandara Residents Associations Present Beneficiary Liat to National Assembly Lands Committee, Urges Swift Action on Land Dispute


The Kandara Residents Association has handed over a comprehensive list of beneficiaries to the National Assembly Lands Committee, urging Members of Parliament (MPs) to resolve a protracted land dispute between the association and Del Monte Kenya Limited.

Chaired by Hon. Josh Nyamoko, MP, the Committee on Lands convened a meeting with representatives from the Kandara Residents Association, acting as the voice for aggrieved individuals hailing from Murang’a and Kiambu Counties. The Association claims to be victims of historical land injustices allegedly perpetuated by Del Monte Kenya Limited.

This issue traces its roots back to 2016 when the Kandara Association’s dispute with Delmonte over land emerged. A petition was subsequently lodged with the Lands Committee whose Members have held several meetings with the Association, the Ministry of Lands, Delmonte Limited and the National Lands Commission.

The recent encouragement from the President, who allotted a two-week window for finalizing the issue, has provided renewed momentum.

Members of the Committee on Lands have assured Kandara Residents Association of their commitment to resolve the land dispute.

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