Eldoret International Airport Set ro Reign Export of Fresh Produce


In a bid to boost the agricultural sector and enhance Kenya’s export capacity, Uasin Gishu County in partnership with the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), State Department of Agriculture and the United Nations on Thursday hosted a stakeholders workshop to discuss the export of fresh produce through Eldoret International Airport.

The workshop was graced by CS for Roads Kipchumba Murkomen and attended by Government officials, including Agriculture and Livestock Development CS Mithika Linturi, Governors Kenneth Lusaka (Bungoma) and Stephen Sang (Nandi) and Deputy Governors Eng. John Barorot (Uasin Gishu) Felix Maiyo (Baringo)

In the event convened in Eldoret, Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi highlighted the importance of compliance with international standards and regulations.

Linturi emphasized the need to invest in quality control measures to ensure that the region’s fresh produce meets the highest standards in terms of safety and quality.

Governor Jonathan Bii in his speech conveyed by Deputy Governor Eng. John Barorot stressed the significance of farmers playing a pivotal role in meeting the export demand.

He emphasized the need for farmers to increase their production volumes to ensure a consistent supply of fresh produce for export to tap into the international market and create opportunities for local farmers.

Bungoma, Governor Kenneth Lusaka together with his Nandi Counterpart Stephen Sang reiterated the importance of farmers’ involvement in this venture, encouraging farmers in their respective regions to embrace fresh produce farming and seize the opportunity presented by Eldoret International Airport’s export plans.

“As farmers, you need to pay attention to proper harvesting, sorting, and packaging techniques to ensure that the exported produce retains its quality and freshness,” said Sang.

” This will enable farmers from the region to establish a reputation for delivering clean and premium produce to international markets” he added.

Various stakeholders attended the workshop, including representatives from Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Railways, Kenya Association of Cargo International Consolidators, Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), and DHL, among others.

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