Good News From Kenya Education Fund


“We are delighted to bring you exciting news as we embark on a new chapter in the journey of Kenya Education Fund. It is with great pleasure that we introduce our new Kenyan Board Chair, Captain Chris Kariuki, who will be leading our organization into the future with passion and dedication.

Chris has been a member of the Kenyan board for the last six years and served as treasurer for 3 years. He brings with him a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to provide disadvantaged children with quality education thus improve their lives and communities.

As we transition to new leadership, it’s important to reflect on the exceptional contributions of our outgoing Board Chair, Dr. Grace Waiharo. Over the past three years, Grace has played a pivotal role in guiding us to new heights.

Her greatest accomplishment was guiding KEF through the covid-19 pandemic, leaving an indelible mark on our organization. While Covid decimated economies and halted education systems globally, KEF under Grace distributed revision books to more than 22,000 students through out Kenya where over 86% of children did not have access to online education.

Currently these revision books are still being used in libraries & households across the country!

Grace has served KEF well and we remain grateful as wish her all the best as she continues to serve humanity.

Together, we will continue to create positive change and leave a lasting impact.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to KEF. We are excited to embark on this new chapter with you all.

Ready, Set, READ!
This year, KEF will be sponsoring the Ready, Set, READ! event in at the Russell Senate Office Building in D.C to mark the significance of World Literacy Day on September 13th. This event will feature esteemed speakers from Congress, USAID, our valued partners, as well as passionate youth advocates who are dedicated to advancing education and literacy.

As we gather to celebrate the transformative power of literacy, we are also setting our sights on a shared goal: promoting the reauthorization of the READ Act before it expires at the end of September 2023. Through this collective effort, KEF aims to ensure that the momentum for quality, inclusive education and literacy remains unwavering. We invite all of our supporters to stand with us on this occasion, reaffirming our commitment to providing access to education and empowering underserved communities.

Your ongoing support has a profound impact on our ability to drive change and create a more literate and equitable society. Let’s come together on World Literacy Day to not only celebrate achievements but also to advocate for a future where education is a fundamental right for all!

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