I Will Offer Myself For Election as 6th President – Reuben Kigame


By Reuben Kigame

The people of Kenya are tired of political lies and exploitation. They are fed up with the existing options. It is time to think outside the box or even without the box. Kenya Kwanza and Azimio are not the only choices we can have as you have been made to imagine and believe. There is a third authentic, people-centred option. My team and I will offer that for Kenya. It is time to have an option led by different people who have not been part of the rot the country has been subjected to for the last 60 years. It is time to dignify truth, values, basic rights, the rule of law, the people of Kenya and the claim to believe in and worship God. Because of greed, even the Church has been given a bad name, yet it is not everyone in the Church who is after money and handouts. It is time to dignify the Church and religion at large again.

If you have followed who I am in ideology and practice, you know that my yes is yes, and my no is no. You may already know that, although I am not perfect, I believe in right and wrong and in the danger of making false promises. If you have followed my story from youth, you know that I love God and I love people. Mine is to offer myself. I am not the only one you can choose. There are several wonderful citizens. I wish they would offer themselves for election at this critical time in our country. Indeed, if you think I should not run or that I am the worst aspirant, don’t blame me for standing up to be counted. Instead, please offer yourself and just tell us why.

So, please keep this post because it is the one, I would like you to judge me by if you ever elected me as your next president. It is also the post you can refer to if you get anything different from someone else. So, what would I be committing to as your next president?

1. Not to tell lies during campaigns and while in office.
2. To choose professionals of character to form the next government.
3. Form a smaller, accountable government that is inclusive.
4. Encourage the separation of powers and independence of institutions.
5. Promote devolution and increase of funds to the counties while demanding greater accountability for such funds.
6. Lower and rationalize taxes and expand the tax base.
7. Work towards free education for all our children.
8. Ensure accessible and quality healthcare for all.
9. Stop economic hemorrhage and punish/jail those who engage in theft of national resources.
10. Concentrate development in the marginalized areas of Kenya.
11. Prioritize investment, beginning with Kenyans in the diaspora.
12. Promote industrialization, value-addition and exports.
13. Renegotiate our public debt and go after those who have looted.
14. Introduce a two-shift working day.
15. Reintroduce Kazi kwa vijana, nationalize industrial attachments, increase the appointment of youth into national and county governments and expand the Jua Kali sector.
16. Stop grand projects that cannot be accounted for.
17. Digitize and dignify elections during my tenure.
18. Slay the dragon of negative ethnicity and instead promote national sovereignty and cultural identity.
19. Promote arts, sports and freedom of the media.
20. Make Kenya clean and green.
21. Fight gender-based violence and child abuse.
22. Ensure the protection and inclusion into government of women and persons living with disability.
23. Protect the lives of the elderly.
24. Ensure peaceful coexistence with our East African neighbours and cooperation with global partners on a reciprocal basis.

These are what I commit to do. Some can be done immediately we are sworn in. some are long-term, but given the mandate and support, we have the will to do what will make Kenyans smile again. I am not saying it will be easy. I am saying it can be done.

Is it early for me to declare this? No. Again, why would it be right for others to already start campaigning and then wrong for me to declare my intentions? This Kenya is for us all. Besides, my journey to run in the 2022 elections was merely interrupted, not stopped. Mine is to offer myself. It is yours to make the decision. The one thing, however, you will never say is that you lacked someone to give you a different way of doing government. My team and I are alive for a time such as this. Several years from now we will not be here nor have the opportunity to offer ourselves. We have given others the opportunity and you know what they have done to you and our country at large. But you don’t have to live that way. That is why we are making this public. We don’t have the kind of resources they have amassed even though some of those resources may be stolen. Here we are; simple but true. Yours is to choose between us and others. Now you know. Please get in touch if you would like to help us get into office, just like others are helped by those who believe in them. Spread the word. Fund us. Campaign for us. Believe in this new way of doing government. It is possible and it is on offer.

God bless you, and God bless Kenya.

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