Eldoret: Governor Bii Warns CECs Over Foreign Trips


Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii has warned his CECs against traveling abroad without proper reason.
The County boss says this will prevent misuse of public funds.

“We have noted that this behavior of traveling abroad without any objective is a misuse of public funds, I will not allow it in my administration,” said the Uasin Gishu second governor.
Speaking to the press Bii says it is not wise for his ministers to travel abroad without sensible objectives, saying the money should instead be used to help residents.

He further refuted the report that ranked Uasin Gishu County last noting that the County is doing very well unlike the report indicated.
“How can self-centered organization rank our county as no 47 despite the things that we are doing? These are busybodies who want to tarnish our good name,” said the Uasin Gishu County boss.
He said the report ranked the County last because it did not heed their call to pay some amount of money.

“How can a County where the president comes from, with an airport, two public universities, more than ten universities, numerous colleges, and a Referral Hospital where people from Central Kenya, DRC, Rwanda, and Southern Sudan get medication be ranked no 47,” he said.

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