𝐂𝐒 Lands Meets Kiambu Members of National Assembly


This morning, CS. Hon. Alice Wahome has met Kiambu County Members of National Assembly to discuss and find solutions on Affordable Housing and Markets Development Programmes.

Under the Affordable Housing Program, The Ministry plans to have “200 Units Per Constituency Program” nationwide which will concentrate housing efforts at the local level, thus fostering local economic stimulus projects. H.E. President William Ruto also directed that 10,000 units are constructed in Kiambu County.

Out of the 12 constituencies in Kiambu, the Ministry has concurred with land earlier identified by MPs in 9 constituencies, which are at various stages of pre-analysis, design, procurement and development. The Ministry is also in the process of identifying and verifying land proposed in the other three constituencies namely: Gatundu North, Gatundu South and Githunguri constituencies.

The CS was flanked by Hon Generali Nixon Korir – PS Lands and Physical Planning, PS. Charles Hinga – PS for Housing and Urban Development and Mr. Gershom Otachi, Chairperson National Lands Commission

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