Members Debate Motion on Road Safety Measures Ahead of Christian Festivities


Marsabit County Woman Representative Naomi Waqo

Members of Parliament through a motion sponsored by Marsabit County MP, Hon. Naomi Waqo, want actions to address the recent surge in road accidents in the country put in place ahead of Christmas festive season.

While debating the motion on Wednesday, 18th October 2023 morning session, the MPs called on the National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA) to ensure all the vehicles on the roads are road worthy.

Kabuchai Constituency MP, Hon. Majimbo Kalasinga, supported the motion saying that it was timely as it comes at a time when Christmas is approaching and Elnino rains is on the way as predicted by the weatherman.

The MP said that with many vehicles expected on the slippery roads now that the heavy rains have started across the country, a clear direction on how the roads will be maintained should be in place.

“There should be strict measures in place on the number of hours one driver should be on the road. Some companies will have one driver doing five trips a day to maximise on the passengers going upcountry,” Hon. Kalasinga told the House as he contributed to the motion.

Traffic police officers were also put on the spot for allegedly collecting bribes from rogue drivers therefore, failing to do their inspection work on the road thus exposing passengers to inevitable accidents.

Marsabit County Woman Representative Naomi Waqo

According to Hon. Owen Baya, the deputy majority party leader, members need to sensitive and educate boda boda riders from constituency level on the importance of adhering to road safety measures. He said that many road accidents nowadays involve boda boda riders who overtake carelessly and recklessly.

“ The many road accidents witnessed in our country is not good for our economy. They interfere with investors confidence as some looke at the road accident matrix before investing,” Hon. Baya said.

Other issues that arouse from the debate were the need for NTSA to check on licencing especially for motorbike operators. The MPs also called for the regulation of driving schools across the country.

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