National Stakeholders Forum on Climate Resilience and Water Security: Evidence Informed Water Security Interventions in Kenya’s Dry lands


The Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Hon. Zachariah Njeru today officially opened the above forum organized by the University of Nairobi (UoN) through the REACH Kenya program with the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation. The technical team comprises the Water Resources Authority (WRA), Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB), Water Sector Trust Fund (WSTF) and the Regional Centre on Groundwater Resources, Education, Training, and Research together with the REACH Team members.

The REACH program aims to improve water security for 10 million poor people in Africa and Asia by 2024. The project funded by UK FCDO began in 2015 across three Countries, namely: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Kenya working in partnership with governments, UNICEF, Academia, the private sector, and Civil Societies.

During his opening remarks, the Zachariah Njeru revealed that the Ministry is determined to complete Thwake Multi Purpose Dam, Karimenu Dam and 3 Peace Dam in order to enhance water storage to support Water for Sustainable towns as well as enhance irrigation from the current 600,000 ha to 1.1 million ha by 2027.

In terms of integrated water management, the Ministry has involved coordination among agencies to spearhead the process. At the same time the CS stated that Kenya is determined to promote climate resilience products and conserve the environment as a priority to protect rivers, water catchment and riparian lands. On transboundary waters, CS Njeru mentioned the cooperation and collaboration with other riparian states of Nile River Basin through the Nile Basin Initiative to sustain equitable water sharing without causing conflicts.

The forum’s expectations include unpacking the role of partnerships in achieving Kenya’s water security, unpacking the changing water policy and governance landscape for water security in Kenya’s drylands, understanding the implications of climate change variability on Kenya’s water security. Other outcomes are to understand our community engagement models in water governance and management in Kenya’s drylands, to establish the nexus between technology and water security in Kenya, and to reflect on the status of education, training and capacity building on the water security landscape among other parameters. Later CS Zachariah launched Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EMMP) for Sustainable Use and Management of the Lodwar Alluvial Aquifer System, Turkana County.

Dignitaries accompanying the CS to the forum included H.E Governor Dr. Julius Malombe for Kitui county and H.E Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai, Turkana county, UoN representatives for Vice Chancellor Prof. Stephen Kiama and representatives from ASALS. The Water Secretary Eng SAO Alima EBS, Director Land Reclamation Mr. Thandi Githae, Deputy Director Groundwater Resources Mr. Gichangi Wotuku accompanied the CS during the opening ceremony.

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