Family of Kiprop Seeks for Justice After Their Son Dronned


The family of Godwin Kiprop,a parent one of the Arap moi primary school students who died after drowning in a dam in Amazement Park ainabkoi, is now asking for financial assistance to help them bury their son.

Speaking to the media, Helen Sitienei, the mother of the late Godwin, said they did not blame anyone for the incident that led to Godwin’s and classmates death, saying it was an accident.

“We had handed over the children to the school, and they were under the school’s care but because it was an accident, let God fill Godwin’s gap. We cannot blame the teachers, neither can we blame the board of management “, said Helen.

In addition, Godwin’s family has asked for help to bury their son while wishing Godwin’s classmates all the best in their exams.

“We are asking for financial support so that we can give our son a befitting burial. To Godwin’s classmates, we would like to wish them all the best in their exams. I would also like to wish a quick recovery to the teacher who got ill upon receiving the news .let me also send a message of condolences to other bereaved families “, added Godwin’s uncle.

The principal secretary of Education Dr.Belio Kipsang commended the parents and counselors who came forward to ensure that the calm is restored in the school and that the pupils are in a good mental state to continue their exam.

“I am grateful for the teams that were here yesterday who mobilized the counselors to come and counsel the parents and the pupils .as you can all see the pupils, they are now cheerful and ready for the exams”,Belio said .

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