The excellent work Naivasha MP Jayne Kihara is doing is evident for all to see.

“The Nyakinyua land in Maai-Mahiu has had historical issues that have left legitimate owners without title deeds for the last 50 years.

Today I requested the National Assembly Lands committee where I sit as the Vice Chair to come to Naivasha and listen to the members of Kiambu/Nyakinyua land.

The committee was informed of the journey that the members have walked since 1973. The committee will continue to follow up the matter to it’s logical conclusion.

Committee members present included; Hon. Joash Nyamoko (Committee Chairman and MP North Mugirango), Hon. Mathias Robi(MP Kuria west), Hon. Gachoki Gitari(MP Kirinyaga Central), Hon. Gideon Ochada(MP Bondo), Hon. George Koimburi(MP Juja) and Hon. Rachel Nyamai(MP Kitui South).
Kazi Inaendelea.”

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