Webuye Youths Benefit From Digital Training Program


Several youths in Webuye west sub county have benefited from a two-month digital literacy programme organised by Olkaria Member of county assembly Peter Palang’a.

The youths who have been training daily received certificates after the completing the training.

Speaking at the graduation event, Hon.Palanga who is also leader of minority in Nakuru county assembly said that he thought of a way of helping the youths acquire hands-on experience in digital literacy skills to empower them to be able to commercialise their skills on the internet.

“Technology is the future and if we don’t align our youths with the future, we shall be doing them a great disservice “said the Mca.

The graduating students applauded the course and the skills they acquired, saying that they were now better placed to monetize their time spent surfing the internet.

They said that they were now able to sell something online, create digital content to sell and also manage social media pages for some agencies and businesses.

Gracing the colorful event,Webuye assistant county commissioner Samson Busalire warned leaders to politicize the noble projects rather urged other leaders to engage in politics of development.

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