Governor Mutula Unveils Makueni Technical and Vocational College to Enhance Skills Development and Technology Transfer in Agriculture


The unveiling of the Makueni agriculture TVET at ATC Kwa Kathoka is a significant development that will undoubtedly play a crucial role in enhancing agricultural practices and promoting sustainable food production in Makueni County.

This new institution will provide much-needed training services and facilities to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the agricultural sector. The first cohort of trainees has already embarked on their learning journey, and they will undergo a comprehensive six-month training program that encompasses both theoretical and practical aspects of agriculture. The diverse range of approved courses, including horticulture, dairy farming, poultry production, aquaculture, and apiculture, reflects the multifaceted nature of agriculture and the diverse needs of the agricultural community.

Governor Mutula’s commitment to establishing the Makueni ATC as a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) through the Makueni ATC Bill, 2023, is a testament to his administration’s vision for efficient and effective governance of this critical institution. This move will provide the center with greater autonomy and flexibility, enabling it to tailor its operations and programs to meet the specific needs of the Makueni agricultural sector.

The inauguration ceremony of the Makueni agriculture TVET was graced by a distinguished panel of guests, including Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili, Makueni County Assembly Majority Leader Kyalo Mumo, Agriculture Executive Joyce Mutua, Muvau-Kikumini MCA Elizabeth Kawembe, and Bishop Emeritus Joseph M. Kanuku of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Makueni Diocese. Their presence underscores the importance and widespread support for this initiative.

In conclusion, the establishment of the Makueni agriculture TVET marks a pivotal moment in Makueni County’s agricultural landscape. By providing quality training, promoting skills development, and facilitating technology transfer, this institution will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and prosperity of the agricultural sector in Makueni County.

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