Justice to Wanyotta’s Family as Mustafa Idd is Sentenced 45 Years in Jail


Eldoret High Court, Justice Reuben Nyakundi has sentenced Mustafa Idd to 45 years in prison for the brutal murder of Emma Wanyota.

The verdict marks the culmination of a four-year trial that has captured the attention of the Kenyan public.
Wanyota, a promising student at Vera Beauty College, was found mutilated and dismembered in Moi’s Bridge in 2019.

In his ruling, Justice Nyakundi characterized Idd’s actions as premeditated and deserving of severe punishment. He noted the brutality of the crime and the profound impact it had on Wanyota’s family and friends.

“Taking how this crime was committed I sentence you 45 years in custody,” said Justice Nyakundi.

Beatrice Wanyotta mother to the deceased thanked the Court for delivering justice for her deceased daughter.

“We are happy with the court’s ruling that 45 years is fine but hoped he to be hanged since if released he might harm us since he threatens us. At least as a family, we have gotten justice,” the mother to the Deceased.

Sharon Wanyotta the twin sister to the deceased “I am happy that justice has been served by court wherever Emma Soul is let her rest. Four years has not been easy we had a lot of challenges we thank God justice has finally been served,”

“I know where Emma is happy since justice has been served,” Christabel Auma the friend to the deceased said.

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