The Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry Cabinet Secretary The Hon CS Rebecca Miano MBS familiarization meeting with the Ministry staff has been held today at Kenya School of Government, Lower Kabete. At the meeting, CS Rebecca Miano discussed ways to make the Ministry better for Government, the staff and the people of Kenya by addressing some of the issues facing the Kenyan economy. Together, the CS and the participants deliberated on getting stronger together in performance, feasibility, productivity and even service. The CS is keen on vibrancy, that the right attitude will support the work they are doing and indeed how to get to the next level.

“Being the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry we are required to step up to the task of ensuring that the country’s economic future is secured through the action we shall take through our Service Delivery,” the CS stated, confident that the Ministry has exceptional experienced professional staff with a lot to offer.

The CS received at the School by Dr. Josephine Mwanzia, Director of Academic Affairs who also accompanied the CS in a tree planting ceremony; a ceremony that has now been normalized by all senior government officials in a bit to increase green cover in the country as directed by the His Excellency, President William Samoei Ruto.

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