Kolongei Village Residents Demand Justice following the Murder of their sons


Esther Nekesa, 21, wife of the late Daniel Rotich, 34. Photo James Gitaka

The peaceful tranquility of Kolongei Village in Turbo Sub County was shattered on a fateful Sunday night when four young men – Shadrack Kipkemei, Kennedy Kipkemei, Daniel Rotich, and Cornelius Kipkoech – were senselessly murdered. Their lifeless bodies, discovered in a secluded area of Ngano Farm, sent shockwaves through the community, leaving families grappling with grief and a gnawing sense of injustice.

The alleged perpetrators, Kenya Defence Forces officers and private guards from the Kenya Ordinance Factory in Eldoret, were reportedly patrolling the farm when they encountered the victims, who were gathering the remnants of the maize harvest. In a shocking display of brutality, the officers and guards opened fire, mercilessly gunning down the unsuspecting young men.

The news of the killings spread like wildfire, plunging the community into a state of mourning and anger. The Rotich family bore the brunt of this tragedy, as Daniel Rotich, the sole breadwinner, was cruelly snatched away from his wife, Esther Nekesa, and their 10-month-old baby. Emily Kosgey, Daniel’s mother, was left to grapple with the agonizing reality of losing her son just six months after her husband’s passing, the dreams of a brighter future for her family now shattered.

Rose Maiyo bursts into tears after the killing of four young men in her village

The senseless violence that claimed the lives of these four young men was not an isolated incident. Kolongei Village has a long history of tension with the KDF, with over ten other individuals having perished at the hands of the officers in recent years. Rose Maiyo, a community leader, recounted harrowing accounts of violence against women and the tragic deaths caused by stray bullets from the Ordinance Factory.

The community’s resilience and determination shone through in their unwavering pursuit of justice and accountability. They organized a fundraising drive to lay to rest the four victims and launched a petition to the National Assembly, demanding an end to the KDF’s reign of terror.

The events of this tragic night serve as a stark reminder of the deep-rooted grievances that have plagued the community for years. The struggle for justice and a life free from violence is far from over, but the resilience of the Kolongei Village community provides a glimmer of hope that they will one day achieve a brighter future.

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